Ferromaq Ferromaq


Corn Picker

Corn Picker

Our Corn Picker "Maicer" brand from conception Ferromaq challenges, developments and performance beyond profitable. AUGER TRANSMISSION. Large diameter auger, low turning pattern and high towing capability. With preloaded torque limiter and chain tensioner. Auger center with intertwined vanes and blades for full throw to allow a homogenous and constant feeding. Metal plate arranged above the corn-gathering channel to avoid tassel winnowing. STAINLESS STEEL RIPPLED BIN. Cylindrical profile bin with a central section made of stainless steel of high resistance to wear. This design goes along with the shape of the auger allowing a smoother and more homogenous grain-carrying capacity and reaching a very low husking rate. The whole bin is fastened by means of bolts i.e. no welding, to allow a swift and practical replacement. CONTROLLED TASSEL-HARVESTER PLATES. Centralized regulation of tassel plates activated by hydraulic, electrical or mechanical system. In the hydraulic and electrical models the regulation is performed directly from the operators platform. Exclusive system of synchronized movement on the two tassel plates. This allows the plant to enter picker fully centered at all times, whichever the blades opening is.T he plates slide between two polymer sheets to avoid jamming. Hard material in the area of stronger contact and design which eliminates slashing of stalks. COLLECTING CHAINS, TENSION REGULATION. Collecting chains able to pick up shorter tassels. Type CA555 -48x8- chains turning at synchronized speed with the forward speed of the picker. Automatic regulation of chains tension and thermally-treated steel 4140 gears. Mechanism is regulated so that both sides of the chain move parallel and are kept away from closing. CONTROL BOXES AND ROLLS, INDIVIDUAL LOOSENING. Ultralight air-alluminium boxes attached to a 1-in steel 4140 hexagonal axle. This size and material allow for a greater torque transmission avoiding premature axle wasting or ben